Noah – 8 lbs 13 oz HBAC

“Noah Konnor born 4/16/14 after 17 hours of labor (2 hr 20 min pushing) and 3 days of prodromal labor.
8 lbs 13 oz, 15 inch head
HBAC/VBAC just 19 months after cesarean. This was my first vaginal delivery and I was told my pelvis was too small to birth a big baby (my first baby was 9lbs 5oz). I’m 5’3 and at my healthiest I was 130 lbs.”
~PJ C.
Read the rest of the story here

Baby Boy – 9 lbs 5.5 oz




“9lbs 5.5oz, 21″ born to a 140lb mum – best birth ever! It was quick – 1.5 hours from first contraction to his birth – had him kneeling on a wheelchair in the ER as not able to make it to the birth center in time. I really do not understand how people can justify an operation based on a big baby – he was my largest baby – and easiest birth. All natural birth”

~Sarah W.

James – 12 lbs 10 oz

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“My fourth baby baby was born on the 18th January 2013. My other babies have all been big (9lbs, 9lbs 6.5 and 9lb 14) but nothing prepared us for baby James! After a 6 hr labor, ‘little’ James was born in the birth centre weighing 12lb 10oz! It was a natural vaginal birth and I only sustained a small graze that didn’t need stitches. Unfortunately he was not well due to pneumothorax and feeding issues. He was in special care for 16 days and two or three sizes bigger then all the other babies in there. He did not fit newborn diapers so they had to get bigger ones from the children’s ward.


Thanks for letting me submit my bib baby! He truly is a joy 🙂




Andrea F”


Benjamin – 10 lbs 4 oz


“This is baby Benjamin, born 10 lb. 4 oz, and 22 inches. He was born naturally with a midwife in the hospital, and came after five hours of pushing! I only gained 6 lb with this pregnancy and the OB kept trying to tell me that we should induce early due to anticipated size (based on ultrasounds)–even though I’m 6’1” myself! I also was required to take the gestational diabetes test THREE times because he was large, but it was negative every time. We switched to midwife care at 37 weeks, and Benji was born spontaneously at 41 weeks. Even today, he’s at the 99th percentile of height and weight and continues to blow my mind every day with how amazing he is 🙂

My name is Michelle C”


Baby Girl – 9 lbs


“See those chubby thighs? Newborn diapers wouldn’t fit around her legs! 🙂 Dad had to run out and get the next size up. She was born right at 40 weeks, at just over 9 pounds, my fourth baby – all born unmedicated at home with the same midwife. Midwife correctly estimated her weight. I am 5’6” and weighed about 140 pre-pregnancy. Her shoulders stuck and midwife had to pull her just a bit, but she was delivered unmedicated, with no tearing on my part, and no broken collarbone on hers. (PS That’s big sister in the background, who watched the whole thing!)”

~Carma P.

Moira Delaney – 10 lbs 11 oz



My daughter, Moira Delaney, was born 5 days after her due date on 12/30/12. She was my biggest baby at 10lbs 11oz and 21 1/4 inches. I had a natural birth in a birthing tub at a birth center surrounded by my doula, midwives, mother, husband and older children. My labor was 15 hours long with 18 minutes of pushing with no tearing. My first two children were also big. My first daughter was 9lbs 10ozs and 21 1/2 inches and my son was 10lbs and 22 inches. Moira was my biggest baby and longest labor but my easiest recovery.

She’s 11 weeks old now and 15 1/2 pounds and 25 inches and as sweet and as happy as can be.”

~Marnie T.

Henry Isaac – 9 lbs 8 oz HBAC



“I don’t have pictures of my others handy, but my naturally born babes have been 9lbs 2oz, 9lbs 5oz, 9lbs 8oz, and 8lbs 14oz. Apparently I make them big and healthy!!!!  This is my biggest baby – My first VBAC baby. 9lbs 8oz. 23 inches long. Born at home.”

~Rebecca J.

See Rebecca’s other Big Baby here

Boy – 8 lbs 5 oz


“This is my third child, second born naturally (first was hospital/epi birth) at a free standing birth center. He was only 39 weeks (my shortest), came out completely sideways with his whole body facing my left side and was 8 lbs 5 oz. He was my hardest birth, but worth every second. “


~Kris M.

See Kris’s other Big Baby here